The wait is finally over!
I have been holding onto this secret for way too long! About a month ago I received a message from Steven Klein’s people to possibly be part of Brooke Candy’s music video. And I’m sure you know…the moment I read Steven Klein….well I was speechless. Here’s a man I love and admire and never ever thought I’d get to work with. I mean I hoped and dreamed but..who knew the Universe agreed with me! I emailed immediately saying I would love to be part of the project. Now the wait….
At 12am I received a message telling me it’s a greenlight. I was psyched! Literally speechless.
Of course I arrived laced down to the max, lubed up nice and shiny in my latex catsuit excited to be on set. One by one my NYC nightlife family showed up and the excitement just heightened. I got to share this moment with people I love and admire. Of course our phones were taken away and we had to sign contracts. That’s why I couldn’t blurt out the news.
I have so many amazing memories from that day. I remember when Brooke finally walked on set and looked at Me and asked “Is that real?” pointing to my waist. I nodded yes with a big smile and then she asked Steven to come over and take a look. His eyes grew big and he couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe I meeting…working with one of my favorite photographers! Talking BDSM and my fetishes to Mr.Klein himself. We even talked about my tight lacing and had a few drinks. YES. I chilled with Steven Klein, Brooke and his crew with my crew. Amazing Amazing night!
Without further delay, here’s the video!